Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Banning A.I. In RPGs Is Pointless And Stupid

Totally disagree with banning A.I. from gaming products or anything else.

Taking a stand against a form of virtue signaling. This always backfires as pretenders will be plentiful. Be very suspicious of this bandwagon. Pay no attention to organizations, awards, and accolades that claim to be pure. Don't believe me? Just wait for the scandals.

If I couldn't draw, I'd be using it. Why spend money on art when you don't have to? Of course, there is the cost of subscribing to A.I. -- I have no idea how much this is. It will come down to is it cheaper or not. Probably is cheaper. Much. And of course A.I. artists will emerge, experts in producing high quality stuff...

I've never played around with A.I. -- I suspect it's a massive time sink (fun or not) and no doubt I'd eventually feed my own art into it to see what I could "draw." Why should I draw, when A.I. can draw what I would draw, only better?

Pandora's Box has been been opened, that genie's out of the bottle... forever.

I see a lot of truly phenomenal A.I. art online... just scan Pinterest. Admittedly, most A.I. art right now is a bit flawed, little mistakes here and there, and, it has a certain "glow" to it that I can't explain other than calling it a "glow." This glow makes it unmistakably A.I., like water-color is unmistakably water-color. This will vanish. A lot of A.I. also happens to be boring, but so is a lot of corporate art (just look at WoTC.) Like real art, a certain amount of skill is involved.

A.I. WILL be everywhere. Nothing you can do about it.

Here's a prediction:

In the future (not too distant) you'll come home from a hard days work (or not) and instead of playing video games or watching a movie or watching YouTube, you'll use some form of A.I. to create your own unique movie/game/whatever. You'll type something like: 1920's noir, violent, sexy, rainy, main character type X, 3 hours long, plenty of twists, animated (or live action) etc., and out will pop perfection customized just for you. You'll have your own library of movies and games that no one else has ever seen before. A.I. will pop out a complete movie in minutes (or instantly) that would normally take a year and hundreds of millions of dollars to make. Maybe you'll share them, maybe you won't. Some of these you'll watch over and over... they'll be that good. You'll create your own series. 

Right now, there are A.I. mini-movies on YouTube. They're surprisingly fascinating and remind me of dreams in how the reality sometimes warps in them. I actually like this aspect. Unbelievable potential is there.

There'll be no more actors except in little known, back-alley, old school stage-theaters. No more animators. No more, etc., etc.

There'll be entirely A.I. sports leagues. Don't like the MLB or NFL? Simply create your own league and watch an entire season unfold. It'll be as detailed and real as you want it to be.

And just wait till you can jack into your own creations... Live a video game. Live anything.

Some people will make millions ($) because they will have a knack for creating amazing whatever.

Movies will be made completely by one person.

The best super-heroes movies have yet to be made (that's an understatement) because A.I. will perfect the effects, flying and such. The characters will look PERFECT.

Of course you'll pay for all of this stuff, but it will simply replace what you pay for now. And that'll be the rub... who controls the "program." Ultimately, the people with the money will try to ban it's use unless you're paying them. Laws will be passed. Enter the A.I. black market.

A.I. RPGs are on the way too (they're probably already here, I just haven't seen or looked for them.)

Taking a stand against A.I. is like taking a stand against the printing press, that's how revolutionary this is.

Good luck with that. 

Pandora's Box is irreversible.

Only something apocalyptic can stop it.

Either way, game on.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bringing In 2025 With "AD&D"

That is, AD&D, as in Adventures Dark and Deep by Joseph Bloch. Not new, just the newest form (originally three core books, now two.) One of the stalwart stewards of all things 1st Edition, Greyhawk in particular, Bloch created "AD&D" with the goal of doing what Gary would've done had he revised the game himself. As we know, Gary was booted before any such revision and the anti-Gygax 2nd Edition followed. Bloch brings new classes, like the Jester, Savant, Mystic, and Mountebank and new race choices including Centaurs, and of course, new spells and magic items, etc. Similar attempts have been made, such as, Trent Smith's Heroic Legendarium (a fine book) and OSRIC (more of an SRD) but I've seen nothing as comprehensive as what Bloch has done here.

Behold the size of these! Both are 500 page behemoths. Will the print-on-demand binding hold up? Such binding is weak enough on small books. My two original TSR books shown above are 40+ years old and the bindings are still perfect. I would've almost preferred soft-cover perfectly bound for these colossal tomes. I wonder what the cost would be to get them professionally bound?

The formatting is in the style of the later AD&D hardcovers (think Monster Manual II and Unearthed Arcana.) The art is mostly good and reminiscent of how it once was (black and white is best in life! Yes, color can be great, but look to companies like WoTC for what NOT to do! Jesus, WoTC sucks.) Anyhow, this bestiary has over 1000 entries, more than you'll ever need. It's like Monster Manuals III, and Fiend Folio all under one cover... and then some! Here, there are plenty of demons and devils and... angels (hell yeah!) and of course plenty of dragons. Curiously, no gold dragon -- replaced by the electrum? -- what is the story here?

Very nice Amazon. A level of boldness missing these days. Bold is good.

Add in the Book of Lost Tables and you have every random encounter table possible, mostly in the D1000 format. The best collection of random encounter tables that I've seen anywhere. And to simulate truly random, I've created a random table of these random tables. So I can randomly roll any monster in the game! I'm beginning to think that dungeons shouldn't be any more stratified than the wilderness. While traveling, you can encounter a dragon or a dryad regardless of your level. Although I'm as guilty as any one, there should be no "Dungeon for levels 3-5" there should simply be dungeons... enter at your own risk, anything is possible. The secret to explaining this... lots of empty spaces in between, plenty of empty (though not meaningless) rooms and long twisting corridors. No one will hear you scream... and no one will hear you fight! Nothing in reality is stratified for your safety and convenience. Although, yes, a certain logic does exist for the more dangerous foes being found the deeper you go. Still, I'm for much more randomized danger. I think I'll roll up a truly random dungeon and see what happens...

Pages upon pages of this!

It is (almost) exactly the game you think it is, though some subsystems have changed and there are more races and classes (the more classes the better!)  A small nitpick I have: The Assassin is presented as an "optional" class. Why? In a game where you can be chaotic-evil, murder, steal, raid, and ravage, where you can play a blackguard (the classic anti-paladin) the paragon of all things evil --which is not presented as "optional." Is an assassin worse than a blackguard? Castles & Crusades has also done this to assassins with their recent printings and they knew Gary well. Is this something he had in mind? Otherwise, I just don't get it. It's akin to making Greedo shoot first. Don't soften things up. Ever. That's a 2nd Edition sin.

Anyhow, these two massive tomes, with a side helping of random tables, are literally all you'd ever need to play this classic game... FOREVER.

Well done Joseph! 



Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...