Sunday, December 16, 2018

Praise the Fallen

There were those demented powers that wanted to return all to naught, to become one with the Ever Slumbering Void.  Pantheons collided and the heavens shattered with war.  Untold cosmic powers were lost without their names ever spoken by mortal tongues.  Countless legions fell.  Defeated in their gambit of annihilation, they scattered across the universe.  Several of the Fallen, fell to this world, forever imprisoned at their point of impact...

Praise the Fallen is a one-shot dungeon where the players explore the lair of a Fallen Angel Cult.    It is designed to challenge low to mid-level characters.  It is a place where alignment matters and foolish decisions have consequences.  It is also a place where the players may find strange bed-fellows as they ultimately try to thwart the cult from resurrecting an angel of destruction.

Praise the Fallen is an OSR styled module compatible with most versions of the world's most popular role-playing game.  16 page PDF, (including cover and title page.)

 The main map.

A High Priest of the Cult.

Now available as Pay-What-You-Want at DriveThruRPG


  1. I love the layout on this. Great stuff.

  2. just read a review of this.

  3. Saw the adventure from Bryce's review; downloading now!


  4. I'm downloading now as well. Please put suggested play levels on your adventures.

    1. The next one will definitely have suggested play levels.

  5. I just read Bryce’s review as well. When he has that many positive things to say, I check out the item every time! �� Have only had time to scan this so far, but it looks excellent. Hope you’ll keep them coming! Have you given any thought to posting your material over on DriveThruRPG and charging for it? I’d be on board!

    1. Thank you very much, I enjoyed reading his review as well. I have started working on another module, but it probably won't be completed for at least a month. I definitely won't publish it until I'm happy with it. I'll probably put a preview up in a couple of weeks, and yes I am strongly considering putting it on DriveThruRPG. Thank you for your enthusiasm and stay tuned...

  6. Just finished reading this, nice work. Great atmosphere, great theme, very playable!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. downloaded it on DrivethruRPG and I don't regret this purchase ! great stuff out there, i like the grim athmosphere of this module, as a DM I will insert it in my campaign ! Looking forward for more !

    1. Thank you Beholder! Stay tuned, the spiritual successor, Sision Tower isn't far away...

  9. I'm about to run this adventure for my group. I'm having a hard time figuring the Phaen Witch's motivation to ally herself with the cultists... Any suggestions?

    1. You could make her the leader of the cult. I think that's a idea I might've included if I were writing the adventure today. She's much older and more powerful and a bit of an "agent of evil" herself. The cultists are like minions, but they could beat her with numbers. I also wouldn't have her fight to the death (as written) unless they are on the verge of success because once The Fallen awakes, it becomes a very difficult fight for the PCs. You could also add a twist--she doesn't want The Fallen to be raised and is there to make sure the cultists fail. Until the PCs arrive and scare the cultists into action, she is content to tease them along with bits of forbidden knowledge. But the safest play is to make them her minions.
      Thanks for playing it and I hope you and your players have a blast!

    2. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that she could be the boss. Thanks alot!
      I'll keep your other suggestion in my back-pocket if my players click with her. That way, she could become a recurring villain/anti-hero.

  10. I'm running this module, the party did an early exploration, captured one acolyte and got chased by the shadows.

    What I'm struggling with is the expected level. The acolytes have 4hp, so looks like level 1, but then shadows are immune to mundane damage, not to mention the fallen. What is the intent here, especially if it's a one shot. Also, what ruleset did you play test with?

    1. Hello Filip and thank you for taking an interest in Praise the Fallen! The expected levels are 2-4, a fact lacking on the DriveThruRPG PDF (my apologies!) but included in the print version found in KNOCK! Issue 1. Room 17, if that's what you're referring to, is indeed a challenging room! I allowed it to be so because it has 3 exits that can funnel the party to different sections of the dungeon. It was a difficult encounter during tests (run with fairly standard B/X rules with a touch of Lamentations of the Flame Princess skills.) Level 2-4 characters should possess some low level magic items and by the time they reach room 17, chances should be high that at least one or two of them has acquired a Void Medallion which allows them a good chance of safe passage through the room.

    2. Thanks a lot for the response! 2-4 is roughly ~5000XP, with thief being 4, magic user 2 and cleric/fight 3. Are they supposed to face the Fallen at this level?

      The characters in my gave the magical sword from Castle Xyntillan, so they avoided the kneelers trap. I am just not clear how realistic it is to fight even the Phaen witch. Were they locked out, it would be pretty hard.

      Also, even fighting again the dwarven champion seems to be unlikely to yield success (level 3 fighter is unlikely to win this).

      Curious, how did your players traverse the module?

    3. Four PCs alone against the Fallen? Not without retainers and/or allies found within the cult's dungeon. Three things the PCs shouldn't fight under normal circumstances: The Phaen Witch (a periodic hazard) Night Dust (a room they should run through, but loaded with treasure and magic items which could be game changers), and The Fallen.

      The PCs should be boosting their ranks every chance they get, be it defecting cultists, prisoners, undead dwarves, and pissed of ogres. All of these potential allies can be found in rooms and as random encounters.

      3rd & 4th level spells can be found in the library if enough time is spent there and there are two (hidden) magic swords that do double damage to Night Dust.

      This is a dark and dangerous place; the theme is Doom. PCs should be sneaking around and running away. If they are locked in, there is a way out if they are scoundrel enough. They may also witness the liberation of a Fallen Angel...this doesn't mean they have to fight it...test combats varied, but ultimately proved fatal.

    4. Thanks a lot! I will have set expectations about the outcome now!


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