Saturday, April 13, 2019

Luridian Assassin

Luridian Assassin

AC: as chain (breast plate, gorget, and face-plate)
HD: 5d8 (30 hp)
  • 2 with a Luridian long-sword+7 to hit, 
  • Damage: 1d8+2
  • Critical Hit on a natural 1819 or 20

Initiative: +4
Stealth: 4 in 6.
Save As: fighter 10
AL: neutral 
Morale: 11
XP: 350  
If the Luridian wins initiative she will size-up her opponent, letting them act first, thus gaining advantage on her first strike.

Luridian Assassins have their eyes burned out at birth, yet somehow they can see…

They will never use magic or poison.

Nobody seems to know why or how they choose their targets.

About the drawing  
The more I draw in ink, the more I want to.  This was a pure ink sketch, no pencils or digital altering (except to remove my signature; didn't like the way it looked for some reason, and I've been experimenting with a new signature involving GP for Graphite Prime.)  Anyhow, I'm beginning to love the chaos of drawing ONLY in ink.

R.I.P. James Smith.

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