Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Mörk Borg.....

Color looks like a match, more below.....

Mörk Borg, Swedish for Dark Fort.


To bad official D&D doesn't look even remotely this cool.

Mörk Borg and Mörk Borg: Cult Feretory arrived a couple of weeks ago. There are two types of OSR, the direct clone type and the arthouse type. This is definitely the arthouse type. I'm a fan of both. Mörk Borg is the type of game, that even if you never play it, you'll certainly be inspired by it. Plenty of soul,  dripping with flavor, lots of cool little dice mechanics, fun character creation, fun classes, a world literally on the precipice of DOOM. It's a more rules-light type of system, but one that has plenty of room to breathe. Mörk Borg is a game that is just begging for creative OSR types to tinker with it. Perhaps I will.

In the mean time, here's a sample character I rolled up using the no-class system. A pleasure drawing this one, no pencils, just ink. Drawing time -- about an hour. A pure ink sketch that turns out well is pretty damn satisfying. And, I learned some tricks with transparency during layout. 

Mörk Borg -- Very cool Game.


Music that reminds me of Mörk Borg -- :wumpscut:

Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...