Monday, March 25, 2024

Unnamed Traveller Girl

As rolled up with the Mongoose Traveller RPG 2nd Edition 2022 Update, a book I was at first skeptical about...

Initial stats:

  • Strength: 4 (-1)
  • Dexterity: 4 (-1)
  • Endurance: 8
  • Intellect: 5 (-1)
  • Education: 4 (-1)
  • Social: 5 (-1)
  • Psi: 6 (just for the hell of it, she is not psionic)

The universe was not kind to this one. 

What kind of back-water planet slum produced these results?

The cruelty would continue...

Her dreams of joining the Scouts, well... it would not be. 

Entered the draft. Swooped up by an Intelligence Agency. Her stats say she is not cut out for this line of work... probably used as some sort of patsy. Subsequently...

Nearly killed. CR25,000 in medical debt just to restore her body to its prior self. (5 points were lost among her already low physical stats.)

Spends the next few years drifting. Works in the belting industry. 

Somehow she gets caught up in a failed, illegal, side venture. Gullible? Incompetent? Or just plain unlucky? The rolls were so bad I actually switched dice. 



Joins a gang and learns how to fight. Paroled. Ironically, prison is where she found the most success.

Drifts once more as a scavenger. Runs into members of her former prison gang. They betray her. A former contact, now a rival.

Wanders some more. 

Meets a new contact...

And this is where we stand: 
  • Strength: 4 (-1)
  • Dexterity: 4 (-1)
  • Endurance: 9 (+1)
  • Intellect: 5 (-1)
  • Education: 4 (-1)
  • Social: 5 (-1)
  • Psi: 6 

Good Lord.

  • Athletics:0
  • Drive: 0
  • Flyer: 0
  • Gun Combat: 0
  • Investigate: 0
  • Melee -- Unarmed: 1
  • Profession -- Belter: 0
  • Recon: 0
  • Stealth: 0
  • Streetwise: 1
  • Survival: 0

CR: 4,000
Debt: 25,000
Contacts: 1
Rivals: 1
Age: 38

Or perhaps these are just memory implants and she's nothing more than a discarded replicant...


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...