Thursday, July 5, 2018

Symbaroum Character Sheets

Is there a RPG anywhere more beautiful than Symbaroum?  Do yourself a favor and google Symbaroum and you'll be bombarded with mesmerizing images of cover and interior art.  The books are thoroughly gorgeous, so much so that even non-gamers would want them on their coffee table.

Full disclosure:  I've backed Symbaroum from the beginning.

Basically, in Symbaroum you play characters who are refugees from a fallen empire who have travelled north to plunder an ancient forest called Davokar.  It's a dark and deadly game of intrigue, exploration, and combat....and characters WILL die.

There's no need to do a full system review, but it's somewhere between simple and medium crunch.  It's one of those games where players roll all the dice, which is a trend in all honesty that I'm not a fan of, but who cares, this game is awesome.

The official character sheet is one of the cooler sheets I've seen.

Regardless, I had to design my own...

Here's a sample character whose stats were built using the 2d6+3 method rolled in order.

Check out Symbaroum.

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Triggered Actions

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