Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Praise the Fallen: Preview

"There were those demented powers that wanted to return all to naught, to become one with the Ever Slumbering Void.  Pantheons collided and the heavens shattered with war...."  

Up until now, the adventures that I've posted here have consisted of experimental methods for running games, but thanks to the cool dungeon map drawings of one, Samwise Seven, (and others) over on MeWe, I decided to do a straight up dungeon crawl.  I've been working on Praise the Fallen for a couple of weeks and should be ready to post it in the next few weeks (there's more to it than I first intended; this always happens.)  I've thought about putting it up for sale on DriveThruRPG, but how much can you really make doing that?  Maybe next time.  I think I'll just post the PDF here for whoever might be interested.  It is about the cult of a fallen angel.

Here are some map studies I've done.  I sampled various hatching styles, water color, dots, solid black; I think I like the semi-solid black in the bottom sample.  Also, my plan is to put all of the relevant information directly on the map for ease of use.

Here is some of the art...

Back to work...

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Triggered Actions

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