Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Say goodbye to green-skinned Khal Drogo.

The following fragments, penned by the Sage, Avidian, were unearthed in the wastelands east of the Orith Mountains...

...pattern has been observed with the first sightings of the swine in any particular region is that they are unarmored and unclothed, in fact devoid of possessions.  A farmer near Turgath noted his pigs behaving in a manner most peculiar, stomping around the sty and snorting nervously.  When next he saw them they all lay deceased and slowly sinking in the mud...cannot be confirmed as the farmer is considered mad by the local Turgathians who claim he spins the same yarn every few years when he murders his own stock...within a fortnight that Turgath reported the first Orc sightings in over ten years... of Orc varies as wildly as does the pig, but initial outbreaks are almost universally of a similar type. It is only after Orc droves meet in the wild that differences are reported...cloven hooves and three "fingers" appear to be a universal trait, with the presence of tusks inconsistent...unable to speak the common tongue or any civilized language, but apparently can understand words not unlike a hound...eyes that never lock directly onto yours which makes their intentions hard to read, but anyone who is still in doubt about said intentions...

...a feast of mud and blood as the Orcs created a sty of the slain Rendrik they rolled excitedly among the dead eating and bathing...nothing remained...never witnessed an Orc handle the delicate operation of donning armor, but the Orcs that stormed Brandelbrook were indeed armed like Rendrik foot soldiers...

...sights more terrifying than a frenzied Orc snorting loudly in one's face...stench is putrid, but not supernaturally so...

...scout reported that as he sat behind the Orcs in the dark cave, concealed under a cloak of elvenkind, the swine, who hitherto sat quietly as if in a calm trance, began snorting and oinking louder and louder as the Sarisian Knights came into view in the gorge below...leadership was for his life when the wind shifted and they could smell him...knights circled the remaining Orc who scraped it's cloven hooves restlessly in the dirt...

...savage undisciplined fighters stronger than the average man and sometimes much stronger...of Orcs riding large, fiendish wort-hogs, witness is now deceased...confirmed by the... that Elves are the group responsible for the Orc scourges throughout the realm...origin is from the land of the fairies...not related to goblins...chapter of the Chronicles of St. Jendimar that Orcs are the spawn of Orcus...questions this as ignorant...not a true scholar of indeed come from the mud, but no definitive link to black magic has yet been proven...

...most peculiar that mere days after the Penidar Orcs lay waste to the once proud city of Naris, the ruined city was abandoned and that particular breed of Orc was never witnessed again...many Narians never accounted for...remains of the nuns slaughtered at the nunnery outside of Vrindel, so atrocious, the site was condemned and razed, left alone to this day...cryptic scrawling on the walls sparked debate of a written Orc language, dismissed as outlandish...rituals in the dungeons below...rise of the Order of the Sisters Militant of Vrindel...swine-like mutations in the royal family of Heinmarc sparked a vicious inquisition in the year...more reports from peasants regarding curious behavior of domestic swine in the Tansula Valley... 

...and on it goes...

Slay them, by order of the King.


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...