Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Couple Of Updates...

NEW! Sision Tower (black cover) is now available in paperback over at Amazon for $6.99.

Sision Tower, is currently a Silver Best-Seller on DriveThruRPG and was given 5 out of 5 stars by Gabor Lux (whom I now illustrate for) over at BeyondFomalhaut.blogspot:

Thank You Gabor!

DATE OF EXPIRATION, is currently a Copper Best-Seller over at DriveThruRPG and was simultaneously released as a paperback on Amazon.

DATE OF EXPIRATION, was just given the rank of BEST by Bryce Lynch over at

Thank You Bryce!


  1. Yessss amazing! I was about to take the pdfs down to Staples and print them out, thank you for sparing me from that.

  2. I really like Date of expiration from all that I have read of it, however I've run into a problem:

    The maps are nicely detailed, but are very, very hard to adapt to a Virtual table top given the amount of things I'm having to erase/remove, as well as try to fit things to a rough grid.

    Is there a potential VTT version for download? I purchased mine over Drivethru RPG and thought I'd ask here. Otherwise I'll keep plugging along trying to adapt it to Roll20.

    1. Hello Arro and thank you for your interest and purchase of DATE OF EXPIRATION! Unfortunately, I've never used a virtual table top, so I don't know much about that. I've seen it suggested to take a "fog of war" approach, revealing little bits at a time, if that helps.

      I'm not sure how you would fit the Structure map to any kind of grid, I think that's a challenge for any vertical dungeon. Anyhow, I hope you figure something out that let's you enjoy the hell out of this adventure, and again, thank you!

    2. Same problem with maps. Even Praise the Fallen includes too many secret details that make it hard to adapt to playing online. I wish there were player versions of maps.

    3. Try these Filip, I edited out all the secret parts on the maps for Praise The Fallen & Sision Tower.


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...