Sunday, June 16, 2024

Signal Boost: Castles & Crusades Reforged!

This is going to be the 10th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook! (Along with reprints of the Castle Keepers Guide and Monsters & Treasure.)

You can thank the OGL debacle from last year. 

The Troll Lords are removing all content relating to the OGL. Mostly, things are being renamed, for example, alignment is now disposition. You might still be lawful good, but you'll either be LAWFULgood or lawfulGOOD, meaning you'll trend one way or the other. Many spells are being renamed, basically using synonymous terms, and/or rewritten/tweaked. And of course, certain monsters are getting a slight redesign with new, but similar, names.

Also of note, if you're familiar with the last printing of Monsters & Treasure, you know that it had what seems like a hundred different faerie creatures (all compiled from the various cultural codices) most of these are being removed and replaced with more mainstream monsters. I loved all of these faerie foes myself (their stat-blocks are vicious!) but I still have them, and they're reportedly being moved to future volumes more suited to their themes.

The rules are the same.

They even gave away a free PDF of the (in progress) Players Handbook.

I also believe they are switching to a less glossy white paper which is amazing news for our aging eyes!

So, do you need these new printings? No. If you're a C&C fan, do you want these? ABSOLUTELY. Also, if you're new to C&C or just curious, this is the perfect jumping on point.

Castles & Crusades is the closest thing I've seen to a modernized 1st edition AD&D, in play and esthetics.

Click the link below for the Kickstarter...

Castles & Crusades Reforged

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