Friday, October 12, 2018

OSR Guide For The Perplexed Questionnaire

1.  One article or blog enrty that exemplifies the best of the Old School Renaissance for me:

    While not specifically OSR, this article brings much needed OSR edginess to 5th Edition.

2.  My favorite piece of OSR wisdom/advice/snark:

     Classes aren't balanced.

3.  Best OSR module/supplement:

     Veins of the Earth.  Seriously, this mind-blowing book is a work of art.

4.  My favorite house rule (by someone else):

     Zak Smith's randomly rolled character class tables such as The Alice from A Red and Pleasant Land.

5.  How I found out about the OSR:

     I don't remember exactly.  I think I came across Swords & Wizardry which somehow led me to Castles & Crusades and/or Lamentations of the Flame Princess...honestly can't remember.

6.  My favorite OSR online resourse/toy:

     It was Google+ because it led to so many toys.

7.  Best place to talk to other OSR gamers:

     It was Google+.

8.  Other places I might be found hanging out and talking games:

     Reddit and Google+ were the only two.  Other than my blog, I am absent on social media.

9.  My awesome, pithy OSR take nobody appreciates enough:

     No matter how simple the rules are, I think there should be an option to actively Parry.

10.  My favorite non-OSR RPG:  

     Wow.  I like a lot of games.  Just gonna to throw Dark Heresy out there.

11.  Why I like OSR stuff:

     Because it's the most unchained, creative stuff there is.

12.  Two other cool OSR things you should know about that I haven't named yet:

     Rappan Athuk:  The fact that this dictionary sized dungeon even exists makes me smile.
And a thought, just because art is in color, doesn't make it good and/or better.  There's something beautiful about ink.

13.  If I could read but one other RPG blog but my own it would be:

     Playing D&D With Porn Stars (minus the drama.)

14.  A game thing I made that I quite like:

    This whole project. 

15.  I'm currently running/playing:


16.  I don't care whether you use ascending or descending AC because:

     It's your game.

17.  The OSRest picture I could post on short notice:

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