Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What Do Your Dungeons Look Like?

I'm currently working on a fairly substantial post.  In the mean time, I thought I might share some dungeons that I've drawn.  These maps are probably 7 or 8 years old and we were playing Pathfinder at the time...

The PCs were low level characters sailing on a barge when kobolds attacked.  After a few rounds of battle the kobolds ignited the barge and made off with one of the PCs' friends.  The PCs somehow (don't remember how) made it to shore and tracked the kobolds to their lair on the side of a volcano...

In ancient times there were two rival coastline cities within view of each other.  One cities' sorcerers cursed their rival city causing it to sink into the sea.  The source of the curse was a stone that remained under strict security.....and of course it was stolen and taken to the sunken city causing it to slowly rise out of the sea.  The map below represents the uppermost spires of the city rising out of the water.  Naturally, there was a handsome reward for the return of the stone.....

And here is a sample page of notes for the sunken city adventure.  Of note is the bar-brawl and rumor-mill.

 What do your dungeons look like?


  1. That's one cool dungeon! I like how much there is to the level, and how many off paths, elevation changes and interesting-looking locations there are (particularly as it comes to the use of water, and the almost maddening quantity of stairs). Good stuff.

    My dungeons look a bit like this: https://plus.google.com/107770325375332254584/posts/Ccc2Xpep2Zf
    ...and this: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xupJiXpVRxg/WAU0a7xxoSI/AAAAAAAAAuc/QifhRGpfFaUoVlv0mMYl0ufR4ggUbu-FQCLcB/s1600/xyntillan_fullmap.png


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...