Monday, December 19, 2022

Artist Tribute: Alfonso Azpiri

I don't consider myself as having gotten good at drawing figures until about 14 years ago. 2008/2009 was when I had my break through moment. And I credit it to this guy: Alfonso Azpiri. It was his art that helped me crack the female code. Up until then, like most dudes, I only drew dudes. Now I seldom draw dudes.

The Spanish Azpiri (1947-2017) understood female beauty better than most. His art was mainly of the "adult" variety and quite frankly, it can be mesmerizing. If you were a reader of Heavy Metal magazine, you probably encountered his stuff. It was by studying his work that I realized, it's all about the face. I know, shocker, we know this from real life. But if you can draw a beautiful face, errors elsewhere will be forgiven, overlooked. 

And God Damn, do the Spanish have a knack for art. Most of the great Horror magazine artists from the 70s/80s (Vampirella and such) were Spanish.

My Azpiri collection.

Lorna was his most famous character.

An amazing Batgirl.


And he could draw a bad-ass Conan too.

Thank you, Azpiri, I salute you.

I'm finally working on another book, one that is 100% compatible with the letters B and X. Not just an adventure.



  1. Hell yeah! Are you making a setting for your adventures with fallen angels, saints and pagan witches? Because for that I can't wait ;-)

    Also, any chance you publish Praise the Fallen as POD on Amazon? I have your other adventures, I would love to have the other one too.

    1. As it is, Praise the Fallen doesn't meet the minimum page count for Amazon print on demand. I would have to expand it or combine it with something else. There is an excellent layout of Praise the Fallen in Knock! Issue 1 if you can get your hands on it.

      Elements of a setting may be present, but not a setting book per say.

    2. Slap in some of your art, you can turn it into a nice art album too ;) I would tots buy.

      I would buy that Knock thing for your adventure (I think it's my favorite of yours and your my favorite adventure creator), but it's not available. I wish I knew it was there, none of the other stuff interested me.

  2. Looking forward to seeing/getting your next product! Would also love Praise the Fallen in POD format. Love the above illustration you did, what is her name/story?

    1. I remember drawing that picture after I rolled up a Dilettante character for Traveller. Meant to make a post out of it but I got sidetracked.

    2. I'd love a book of your character drawings, could use them as NPC's , pregens etc.

    3. Pregens might just be the filler I need for the PoD!

  3. I'll see what I can do with Praise the Fallen PoD.


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...