Friday, December 30, 2022

Praise The Fallen PoD Amazon

Several of you have been asking for this and it's probably long over do. I had to add a few things just to make it long enough for KDP printing, such as: A title page, contents page, player maps, 8 pregens -- nothing fancy, just simple stats with some art that I've never published (heavy on female dwarves, but dwarves feature, so, it fits) a page for notes, my B/X character sheet, and the original Fallen sketch. Comes to about 25 pages (the minimum is 24.)

I thought about reformatting the whole thing, but figured the charm is in the original presentation. I did however, sharpen up the arrows, making them easier to read as they cross over black areas. I accidently set the cover on matte finish as opposed to glossy, and have decided to leave it thus because it reminds me of the "void" theme throughout.

Why not PoD at DriveThruRPG? I've never figured out how to do covers on DriveThru. Amazon is so much easier. 

Now, Praise The Fallen has been printed before. There's a beautiful layout of it in KNOCK! #1, but that is hard to come by and much pricier.


Praise The Fallen Amazon Link


Triggered Actions

2 claws/1 bite... iconic monster stat-line -- but, what if the bite attack did twice the listed damage and was only triggered if both claw...